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Our mission

We want to equip Christ's followers with the reminder that you have authority over the devil. He tempts us every day and his main goal is to drive us away from our Creator. The vision behind Fear the Lamb is to give you the understanding that having fear of the Lord is not frightening. Fearing the Lord means to be in reverent awe of His holiness, to give Him complete reverence, and to honor Him as the God of great glory, majesty, purity, and power. Only as we truly fear the Lord will we be freed from all destructive and satanic fears. By fearing God, we can avoid being trapped by the natural pull toward going our own way, defying God, and giving in to the inviting ways of immoral behavior.

have no fear...

We strive to be the messenger for God's brand, Fear the Lamb Apparel, which fulfills the calling of our hearts as we seek to assist people in the expression of their faith in today's society. This battle can be a difficult task and we believe God has gifted us with the skills and passion to help Him fulfill this purpose and spread His message.


To further support this goal, we will donate $2 from every order to a new organization each month with the goal of spreading the word of God. 

 We hope you will join us in the fight.

- Founder Trevor Yates

Revelation 17:14
"They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”

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